Chat with docs - Summarize your docs/pdfs & AI Chat with

Locate, Extract & Summarize info from your docs with this OpenAI based chat with documents AI chatbot and accelerate your efficiency - AI ChatDocs

Easiest To Use
Simply create a chat in the workspace section
Enter the chat and add files/docs in the created chat
Add more data sources in the Manage documents section
Start chatting with your docs in the chat section
Simply create a chat in the workspace section
Enter the chat and add files/docs in the created chat
Add more data sources in the Manage documents section
Start chatting with your docs in the chat section
Chatbot integrations also supported. Want an API? Or looking for a Custom plan?
Chat with Any document format - Word, PPT, Pdfs, Docx and more...
Ask anything to your Lengthy Reasearch Papers & text books
Communicate with Lengthy Legal Documents or heathcare
Friendy chat with YouTube Videos
Chat with Sites, Sitemaps, GitBooks or complex Documentations
Chat with Any document format - Word, PPT, Pdfs, Docx and more...
Ask anything to your Lengthy Reasearch Papers & text books
Communicate with Lengthy Legal Documents or heathcare
Friendy chat with YouTube Videos
Chat with Sites, Sitemaps, GitBooks or complex Documentations
Chat with Any document format - Word, PPT, Pdfs, Docx and more...
Ask anything to your Lengthy Reasearch Papers & text books
Communicate with Lengthy Legal Documents or heathcare
Friendy chat with YouTube Videos
Chat with Sites, Sitemaps, GitBooks or complex Documentations
Chat with Any document format - Word, PPT, Pdfs, Docx and more...
Ask anything to your Lengthy Reasearch Papers & text books
Communicate with Lengthy Legal Documents or heathcare
Friendy chat with YouTube Videos
Chat with Sites, Sitemaps, GitBooks or complex Documentations

Total Chats Created


Users Across the Globe


5 Star Ratings out of 372

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Instantly Chat with Documents using AI !

Unlock the power of AI ChatDocs and revolutionize the way you interact with your documents! Whether it's PDFs, YouTube videos, research papers, legal documents, textbooks, or any other form of documentation, our platform provides a seamless chat experience.

Join over 2,000 satisfied users who have embraced the convenience and efficiency of AI ChatDocs. Say goodbye to tedious searches and manual extraction of information. With AI ChatDocs, you can effortlessly engage with your documents, saving valuable time and energy.

Why Choose AI ChatDocs?
Turn your content into a conversation. AI ChatDocs unlocks the knowledge trapped within your documents, websites, and YouTube videos.
Talk to Your Documents, websites, YouTube videos
Forget endless searching and scrolling. Have a natural conversation with your content to find what you need.
One Conversation, Multiple Data Sources
Chat with PDFs, Word docs, text files, websites, and YouTube videos - all within a single conversation.
Understand Through Dialogue. Get Answers, Explanations, More
Ask specific questions, request clarifications, and engage in a back-and-forth to thoroughly grasp complex concepts.
Offers On
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Custom? -
Contact Here
Want to handle high document chat volumes? Need team plans or API integration? Let's customize a solution for you. Contact us now!
Transparency with No Hidden Charges
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Upto 1000 pages of ingestion
250 messages per month
Unlimited chat workspaces creation
Access to full chat history
Ingest from multiple sources
30% Off
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Upto 5000 pages of ingestion
1000 messages per month
Unlimited chat workspaces creation
Access to full chat history
Ingest from multiple sources
30% Off
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Upto 10000 pages of ingestion
2000 messages per month
Unlimited chat workspaces creation
Access to full chat history
Ingest from multiple sources

"Superb quality and fast delivery."

- Mike Johnson

"Chat with documents made cool! "

- Sophia

"Effortless document interaction!"

- Sarah

"So easy, even for non-techies! "

- Alex

"Feels like a smart friend."

- David

"Document assistant for me!"

- Mark

"Makes organizing fun!"

- Brian

"Effortless research assistance."

- Ava

"It saves my time!"

- Harper

"Superb quality and fast delivery."

- Mike Johnson

"Chat with documents made cool! "

- Sophia

"Effortless document interaction!"

- Sarah

"So easy, even for non-techies! "

- Alex

"Feels like a smart friend."

- David

"Document assistant for me!"

- Mark

"Makes organizing fun!"

- Brian

"Effortless research assistance."

- Ava

"It boosts productivity."

- Harper


What file types does AI ChatDocs support?
Can I ask follow-up questions or get more detailed explanations?
Does AI ChatDocs work with any website or only specific kinds?
Can I search within a YouTube video using AI ChatDocs?
How do I "talk" to my documents or websites?